Blended Perspectives

It’s Wednesday. You’re knee-deep in the trenches of a project that started off with a high-energy Monday morning meeting, and, since then, has been a wash of frantic emails and unfortunately timed radio silence from your coworkers. You haven’t emailed Kathy back about the projections for next quarter because George hasn’t sent you the figures from the last sales meeting. Tensions run high, and little slip-ups here and there are becoming much bigger stumbling blocks than they should be.

But it doesn’t have to be like this. With a healthy collaborative mindset, these projects can run more smoothly and be less stressful. You can start cultivating this mindset by getting your team together to appreciate how everybody contributes to a larger goal with a unique team-building we call Blended Perspectives.

With our Blended Perspectives acitivity, teams cooperate to—if you’ll pardon my punning—paint a clearer picture of the way projects come together. Every group has their own painting to paint, just as everyone has their own responsibilities in the company or organization. But clarity doesn’t come until each group finishes their picture and joins it with their fellow groups’ pictures. Once groups are done painting, the team brings together each painting to show the whole picture—the larger goal. Then, there’s the a-ha moment: the bigger picture from the whole team wouldn’t be possible without the individual work of each smaller group.

The truth is that everyone does important work. Everyone contributes. It’s easy to let frustrations and miscommunication get in the way of seeing how everyone plays a role in reaching big goals, which is why we gain so much from reminding ourselves of how things ought to be, and how we ought to work together to make the workplace a better environment.

Want to see this activity in action? Contact Us and we’ll put our Blended Perspectives activity to work for you.

Target Audience:  Any
Number of Participants: 15 - Unlimited
Length: 1.5 Hours
Area of Focus: Communication, Collaboration, Varied Perspectives

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